About us

We save the lives of malnourished children and support their families to beat hunger.
“Where there is life, there is hope.”
This inspiring quote was said by one of our healthcare workers in Chad in Central Africa. Every day, they’re working tirelessly to save children’s lives.
Child malnutrition is everywhere in Chad. 388,000 Chadian children under the age of five have severe acute malnutrition – the most life-threatening form of hunger. But they all have a fierce determination to survive.
In Mao in the country’s west, our hospital’s nutrition unit helps 1,500 children to recover from malnutrition every year. We assess every child, review their data and then put them on a bespoke treatment plan to help them to recover from malnutrition in just six weeks.
We’ve been tackling malnutrition for over 45 years. And we won’t give up until the world is free from hunger. But today, we need you. Your gift provides hope and has the power to change lives.
"The biggest problem in our region is undernutrition. We’re in a desert. Climate change is having an impact. It's impossible for people to grow anything and provide for their families."Dr Patale, an Action Against Hunger doctor in Chad
Help children like Achta, Moustafa and Koubra thrive.
We won’t give up until the world is free from hunger. But many more children need our help.
A gift today could:
Life-saving treatments are cheaply available and extremely effective. You can help us scale up our work to reach more children in need.
When Achta arrived at our health centre in Mao, she couldn't eat. Her life was in danger, so our team inserted a feeding tube.
But after spending two weeks in hospital where she received three doses of therapeutic milk per day, Achta has now fully recovered from malnutrition.
“I’m very happy with the results, because at the beginning when she arrived, she was in a serious condition,” says Koubra, Achta's mum.
When Koubra’s mum Fatime noticed she had a high fever, she immediately brought her to hospital.
After staying at our health centre for 10 days where she received ready-to-use therapeutic food, Koubra’s now healthy and full of life again.
Moustapha first became ill when he lost his appetite after weaning. He started to lose weight, his skin was peeling and his feet became swollen – a clear sign of malnutrition. That’s when his mother brought him to our health centre in Mao.
Our team brought him back to health with ready-to-use therapeutic food and therapeutic milk. He’s now fully regained his appetite – even choosing the kind of food he wants to eat.
Please note: Your donations will help support Action Against Hunger’s life-saving programmes in Chad and 55 countries around the world. Out of every £1 raised, we spend 94p on our programmes and 6p on fundraising and support costs.
Photo credits: Action Against Hunger/ Christophe da Silva
We save the lives of malnourished children and support their families to beat hunger.
Discover how your donation helps us support 21 million people in 56 countries.
At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.