In Sudan, the hunger crisis is out of control. There are already famine conditions in some parts of the country.

The civil war, which broke out in April 2023, has forced millions of people to flee their homes, creating the world’s largest displacement crisis.

And people caught up in the conflict now face another crisis – hunger. Famine conditions have been found in Zamzam camp, which is home to 500,000 people, and many other areas of Sudan are at risk of famine if fighting continues.

Only four famines have been declared in recent decades: South Sudan (2017), Somalia (2011), North Korea (1995) and Ethiopia (1984).

Make an emergency gift

“We’re deeply shocking by the dire situation affecting millions of Sudanese people. This situation is especially critical for populations trapped in conflict zones.”

Samy Guessabi, Action Against Hunger’s Country Director in Sudan

The crisis in Sudan

  • 755,000

    755,000 people are already at risk of famine. That means they have nothing to eat.

  • 10M

    More than 10 million people have been forced to flee their homes.

  • 296%

    Food prices have increased by up to 296% since the conflict started.

Delivering aid to people in Sudan

We’ve been working in Sudan since 2018. After the conflict started in April 2023, our teams have scaled up our emergency response.

Operating in the White Nile, Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Central Darfur, last year our teams supporting 500,000 people.

Despite the challenging situation, our work has included:

  • providing food assistance like food baskets
  • running nutrition programmes
  • restoring water, sanitation and hygiene services and providing hygiene kits to people in need
  • protecting women and girls, as they face an increased risk of gender-based and sexual violence while trying to access resources and humanitarian aid
Awel, a Sudanese refugee in South Sudan.

Save lives in Sudan

Thousands of lives are at risk as violence escalates in Sudan.

Donate now

Please note: Your donation will help protect vulnerable communities in  Sudan and  Sudanese refugees in neighbouring countries. Any funds raised over and above the needs of these programmes will go to our life-saving work and used where help is needed most.

Photo credits: Action Against Hunger/ Peter Caton

About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We save the lives of malnourished children and support their families to beat hunger.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.