Preventing Hunger in Conflict Regional Dialogue Series: Global Synthesis Report

This report summarises the key outcomes of the Preventing Hunger in Conflict Regional Dialogue Series, four one-day events which took place between July 2023 and January 2024 in the key regional hubs of Nairobi, Panama, and Dakar. A fourth online event also addressed the situation in the Middle East. The series was organised by Action Against Hunger, Oxfam, Save the Children, WFP and World Vision.

These events systematically brought together civil society organisations, UN agencies, and government representatives to discuss

  • the background and content of UN Security Council Resolution 2417
  • reflect on the progress (or lack thereof) made to address conflict-induced hunger since its approval in 2018
  • the challenges and opportunities in its implementation at the national and regional levels.

This report is designed to reflect multiple perspectives and options for policy discussion and does not necessarily reflect the positions of the organisations associated with the event or this synthesis report.