Plantain crop field on dry ground in Peru.

8 crops affected by climate change

Crops like cocoa and coffee are being threatened by climate change. Global agricultural and crop production are at risk across the world. Discover 8 crops affected by climate change, and solutions to save them.

There’s a growing consensus that climate change is already affecting crop yields, agriculture and food security across the world. But not all crops are equally at risk.

While researchers warn that overall crop yields will decrease due to a warming climate, surprisingly changing rainfall patterns and severe weather may see some crop yields increase.

A 2019 study from the University of Minnesota found that yields of crops like rice and wheat are already on the decline, while harvests of sorghum, which is more drought-resistant, rose during the same period.

It’s not just weather that will affect crop yields. As the climate warms and changes, pests and diseases are spreading more widely – another layer of unpredictability to farming.

Food storage may also become more challenging as climate change causes rising temperatures. The resulting hot weather is increasing the amount of insects and mould destroying crops being stored outdoors or in protected, but not cooled areas.

The climate crisis is also expected to increase malnutrition by reducing nutrient availability and the quality of food, while increasing prices at the same time.

Higher temperatures and increased concentrations of CO2 in the air lead to lower levels of nutrients like iron, zinc and protein in like rice, wheat and soy crops. This issue is especially troubling in countries with less food diversity and where people rely on one or two staple foods for their nutrition.

Here’s how the climate crisis is affecting 8 key crops that provide an income to millions of small-holder farmers. They’re also vital sources of calories and culture for billions of people around the world.

1. Cocoa: Rainfall and winds cutting yields

Víctor, a coffee farmer in Guatemala, examines his coffee crops.

Demand for chocolate is growing, and it’s unlikely that cocoa production will be able to keep up. Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana in west Africa are responsible for half the world’s cocoa production, and the region is already experiencing erratic rainfall and hot winds.

Cocoa beans only grow well in very specific conditions. They like consistent temperatures, high humidity, and regular rainfall. Rising temperatures are driving cocoa production to higher elevations, where there is simply less land — or where cultivation could mean deforestation.

2. Coffee: Extreme weather affecting crops

Víctor, a farmer in Guatemala, examines his coffee crops.

Víctor, a farmer in Guatemala, examines his coffee crops.

Coffee is a valuable export crop for many small-holder farmers who rely on the income to buy food and supplies for their families.

In major coffee exporting nations, the crop provides economic opportunity throughout the country through farming, processing, trade, finance and related roles — which all could be at risk. Ethiopia, which is Africa’s top coffee producer, could potentially lose 25% of its coffee yields by 2030.

3. Rice: Heatwaves impacting crop conditions

Farming watering rice crops in South Sudan.

Rice is a food source for half the world. For more than 3.5 billion people, the grain provides 20% or more of their daily calories, and demand is increasing. Yet, rice yields may drop by more than 5.5% if temperatures rise by 1.5 degrees. Some estimates predict crop yields dropping by 11% by 2050.

Farmers across Asia–including the major population centres of India, China and Vietnam – and in Africa – where Nigeria is the continent’s biggest rice producer– will be hard-hit.

In Bangladesh, farmers have already suffered rice crop losses due to heat waves and low rainfall in the growing season, which led to the destruction of over 168,000 acres of rice. Coastal fields at sea level are especially at risk from rising sea levels, when seawater can inundate the dry land, damaging or destroying the rice crops.

4. Wheat: Unpredictable weather reducing yields

Woman wearing headscarf tending to wheat crops in kitchen garden.

In cooler regions like North America and Europe, wheat production may see a more than 5% increase in yields, rainfall permitting. Yet, in more vulnerable areas like India, Central America, and Africa, yields may decrease by 3% or more.

As India produces 14% of the world’s wheat, the decreased production in hotter and drier growing regions will have a significant affect on India’s wheat farming families, and on the millions who rely on them for sustenance.

5. Soy: Climate crisis threatening crops

The growing popularity of soy is driving deforestation that contributes to higher carbon levels. This trend is most noticeable in South America, where farmers are increasing soy production to export to China and to meet the growing demand for industrial animal feed. The effects of climate change on soybean yields are mixed, as researchers find that soybean plants respond favourably to higher concentrations of CO2 in the air.

Soybean yields also may increase if farmers switch from other crops, such as wheat, or expand into previously forested lands — which is happening in the Amazon and may occur in areas that today are too cool for soy production, like New York State and southern Canada.

Yet, even if harvests increase in the near term, most scientists project that soy yields will decrease later this century as heat and water stresses intensify.

6. Bananas and plantains: Rising heat impacting harvests

Farmer sorting through banana harvest in Peru.

These similar products are grown in the tropics as cash crops or as local food sources. Researchers found that due to rising temperatures over the past 20 years, plantain production fell by 43%. Popular varieties of bananas also are threatened by diseases, like black leaf streak, which can spread faster and further in hotter weather.

Yet projected weather changes also could mean more land on which to grow bananas and plantains by 2070.

7. Maize: Changing rainfall patterns affecting crop yields

Women farmers tending to maize crops amid climate change.

Also known as corn, the global production of maize will likely see a massive reduction by 2050 due to temperature variations and decreased, unreliable rainfall. All major growing areas — like the U.S. and Brazil — will be impacted by this change.

Small-holder farmers are especially dependent on regular rainfall to grow maize, and climate change is disturbing rainfall patterns. In places like Mozambique, where corn is grown for local consumption, this will likely be devastating.

8. Potatoes: Increased droughts threatening crop production

Farmer cutting up potatoes.

By 2050, the global production of potatoes could decrease by as much as 9%. As potatoes need a steady supply of water to grow, fewer areas will be suitable for potato production. In potato-growing places that rely on melting mountain snowpack, like Idaho, or a steady rainy season, like Bolivia, farmers will need to adapt varieties or invest in irrigation to maintain production.

Crop loss solutions

To avoid supply disruptions, higher prices, and more hungry people, farmers may need to expand production or adopt new techniques to achieve the same yield.

Some climate-specific crops, like coffee, may need to be grown in new areas. Farmers might also need to start growing more resilient and climate-appropriate varieties of familiar crops, or new kinds of foods altogether.

At Action Against Hunger we’re:

  • teaching farmers climate-smart growing techniques and introducing climate-resilient crops to help them make the most of their dwindling resources
  • using agroecological approaches, which improve efficiency and enhance natural ecosystems
  • running farmer field schools where farmers can experiment and practice what they’ve learned on demonstration plots before applying the lessons to their own land.

Consumer tastes might need to evolve too, as a changing climate can mean adapting to new foods and a changing menu for billions around the world.

It takes time to help farmers find and prepare the land and successfully adapt by learning about new crops and new growing techniques — and for people everywhere to learn new ways of shopping and eating. But if we start now, we can sow the seeds for sustainability while there is still time.


Climate change is making it harder for families to grow food, get enough to eat, and stay healthy. We're working to help families facing climate-related hunger by providing food assistance, nutrition support, and water, sanitation, and hygiene services.