Harsh winters in Afghanistan mean temperatures can fall as low as -16°C.

Children are hungry and their lives are at risk. Many won’t survive the cold months ahead. Life in Afghanistan has been challenging for years. Ongoing conflict. Severe droughts. Food that’s far too expensive for families with limited or no income. The situation is only becoming worse.

Children in Afghanistan are already living in a world of conflict, hunger and illness. Freezing winter temperatures will push them to the limits of survival.

Give a gift today to provide life-saving treatment for children facing hunger this winter and give them a chance of a future. 

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The crisis in Afganistan

  • 28.2m

    In 2023, 28.3 million people (two-thirds of Afghanistan’s population) will need urgent humanitarian assistance to survive as the country enters its third consecutive year of drought and the second year of economic decline.

  • 40%

    Around 17.2 million Afghans (40% of the population) are experiencing high levels of food insecurity.

  • 55

    The number of children our therapeutic feeding unit in Kabul treats each month

Play videoBabri holding her son Irfanullah.

Meet Fatima and Arfanullah

When baby Arfanullah was born, he was healthy. But after two months, he started losing weight and his mum Fatima didn't have enough milk to feed him. After visiting an Action Against Hunger treatment centre, Arfanullah is now on the road to recovery.

Why your gift could make the difference

Through our Therapeutic Feeding Units, we’re providing vital treatment to young children affected by severe acute malnutrition. But demand is increasing and we need your help to be there for every child.

Life-threatening hunger is predictable, preventable and treatable. It costs just £42 – and as little as six weeks – to help a child recover and get back on the road to health.

Your donation could stop hunger taking more lives in Afghanistan by:

  • providing courses of nutrient-rich food and therapeutic milk to children with severe malnutrition
  • giving urgent treatment to children who are suffering from medical complications on top of their chronic hunger
  • running mobile health and nutrition teams, so we can get to families in hard-to-reach parts of the country
  • providing support to get families through the freezing temperatures ahead, including fuel, kitchen items for cooking hot food, warm clothing and blankets.

There are over 3 million children in Afghanistan suffering from severe acute malnutrition – the deadliest form of hunger. Your donation will be used wherever the need is greatest.

You can be there for every child suffering from life-threatening hunger

Many more children's lives are at risk and the demand at our feeding units in Afghanistan is rapidly increasing. It takes just six weeks to save the life of a child suffering from malnutrition.


More about Action Against Hunger

About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We’re building a world where no one dies from hunger and malnutrition.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

At all times, our aim is to save the lives of vulnerable people affected by hunger.