A mother with her smiling child supported by Project Vruddhi in India.

Where your money goes

Thanks to your generosity, we supported 21 million people around the world in 2023.

We receive grants and donations from UK individuals, institutional donors, trusts and foundations, and corporate partners. In 2022, our total income was £39,251,508.

Out of every £1 raised, we spend 94p on charitable activities and services and 6p on fundraising and support costs.

Each year, our accounts are audited to make sure we’re effectively using the funds donated by our supporters.

Our latest annual reports

Global Impact Report

Global Impact Report 2023

Our Global Impact Report is a snapshot of our global network's work in 2023. It features progress stories, case studies, and information on our work in each country.

A community supported by Action Against Hunger in Tanzania.

Our impact

Meet the communities we're supporting through our life-saving programmes across the world.

How we make change

What you’ve helped us achieve

Thanks to your incredible support, we’re transforming lives in some of the most vulnerable communities in 56 countries around the world.

Our programmes focus on:

  • saving the lives of malnourished children and supporting their families through our nutrition programmes
  • providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases
  • ensuring people have consistent access to healthy, nutritious food
  • helping people build better livelihoods so their communities can prosper
  • preparing communities for disasters and helping them rebuild from emergencies
  • supporting people affected by hunger and conflict through mental health programmes


About us

A boy is screened for malnutrition at an Action Against Hunger treatment centre in Mali.

We’re an international charity committed to saving the lives of malnourished children and supporting their families to beat hunger.

Supporter promise

Simbo and his mum in Mali. Simbo recovered from life-threatening hunger after receiving support from Action Against Hunger.

We’re committed to fundraising in an honest and transparent way while ensuring our supporters are treated with respect.


Hawa, an Action Against Hunger community health worker in Mali.

We’ve put together some answers to the questions our supporters ask us the most about our work and how we fundraise.