Action Against Hunger fundraisers at Taste of London event

Face to face fundraising

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about face to face fundraising work.

What is face to face fundraising and why are you doing it?

Face to face fundraising is when professional fundraisers speak to members of the public in person to tell them about a charity and ask them for regular gifts.

Face to face fundraising allows us to talk to people about world hunger, why our work is so important and how they can help. By meeting people in person, we’re able to have conversations with people who may be interested in us, but haven’t had the opportunity to speak to us directly about why their support matters.

Lots of charities use face to face fundraising, as it’s a really effective way for us to raise vital, long-term funds.

How will you fundraise?

We will be fundraising through door to door fundraising. Teams visit areas at agreed times (1pm-8pm) and on specified dates, as agreed with local councils. Small teams work in each area. They’re all trained on how to carry our safe and secure fundraising.

What agencies are you working with?

We are working with an agency called Acwyre Fundraising. Acwyre conduct door to door activity on behalf of us and other charities. They are members of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, the membership body for UK fundraising.

How do I know if a fundraiser is genuine?

Fundraisers will be wearing branded Action Against Hunger uniforms, which may include t-shirts, fleeces, jackets and sometimes backpacks. The uniform may vary depending on the weather and where they’re fundraising.

Fundraisers will carry an ID badge with includes their name, photo and details of the fundraising organisation that they work for.

If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of a fundraisers, ask to call the fundraising organisation that they work for or contact Action Against Hunger’s Supporter Care Team on 0208 853 7577 or email

Where are you fundraising?

We are fundraising in Leicester.

Can I give a fundraiser cash instead?

Our fundraisers will not ask for money or be able to take cash donations from you. They’ll only ask you to support via Direct Debit. If a fundraiser asks you for cash, please refuse and report the incident to us by calling 0208 853 7577 immediately as this will not be a genuine Action Against Hunger fundraiser.

If you would like to give a cash gift, you can visit our website here.

What happens after I signed up to a regular gift?

If you agree to a regular gift with a monthly direct debit, you will receive a welcome call, from the number 01733 964532,  soon after you have signed up to confirm your details and that you are still happy to donate.

Shortly after this, you will receive a welcome pack and a direct debit guarantee in the post, which includes the details of your donation schedule and first donation date.

What if I change my mind?

You can cancel your gift during your welcome call if you wish by letting our fundraisers know.

If you change your mind after the sign up process, get in touch with Action Against Hunger’s Supporter Care team on 0208 853 7577 or email

I have feedback about a fundraiser – who can I get in touch with?

We always welcome feedback about how our fundraisers are doing. If you’d like to get in touch, contact the Action Against Hunger’s Supporter Care Team on 0208 853 7577 or email

We always aim to fundraise in a compliant, ethical and respectful manner at all times. If you have a complaint about any aspect of our fundraising, please let us know by emailing us at, or calling us on 0208 853 7571.

If you would like to read our complaints policy, you can do here.

A community supported by Action Against Hunger in Tanzania.

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More about Action Against Hunger

Supporter promise

Simbo and his mum in Mali. Simbo recovered from life-threatening hunger after receiving support from Action Against Hunger.

We’re committed to fundraising in an honest and transparent way while ensuring our supporters are treated with respect.

What we stand for

An Action Against Hunger health worker in Mali.

We tackle the causes and effects of hunger in vulnerable communities – no matter what the circumstances.

Where your money goes

Muk collects bag of rice at an Action Against Hunger distribution centre in Bangladesh.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we’re able to support 17 million people around the world.